Daniel Hershcovich
דניאל הרשקוביץ
Photo by Alana Ocano

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at CoAStaL, Natural Language Processing section, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Research interests:

  • Adapting and generalizing language models and data across cultures and languages.
  • Combining explicit representation of human values and knowledge into language models and their analysis.
  • Investigating language and identity with respect to food and promoting sustainable and diverse diets.

(Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar)

    Peer-Reviewed Publications

  • Unhappy Texts? A Gendered and Computational Rereading of The Modern Breakthrough.
    Kirstine Nielsen Degn, Jens Bjerring-Hansen, Ali Al-Laith and Daniel Hershcovich. Scandinavian Studies, 2. 97, 2025 (Accepted/In press).
  • Literary Time Travel: Distinguishing Past and Contemporary Worlds in Danish and Norwegian Fiction.
    Jens Bjerring-Hansen, Ali Al-Laith, Daniel Hershcovich, Alexander Conroy and Sebastian Ørtoft Rasmussen. CHR 2024.
  • FoodieQA: A Multimodal Dataset for Fine-Grained Understanding of Chinese Food Culture.
    Wenyan Li, Crystina Zhang, Jiaang Li, Qiwei Peng, Raphael Tang, Li Zhou, Weijia Zhang, Guimin Hu, Yifei Yuan, Anders Søgaard, Daniel Hershcovich and Desmond Elliott. EMNLP 2024.
  • Noise, Novels, Numbers. A Framework for Detecting and Categorizing Noise in Danish and Norwegian Literature.
    Ali Al-Laith, Daniel Hershcovich, Jens Bjerring-Hansen, Jakob Ingemann Parby, Alexander Conroy and Timothy R Tangherlini. EMNLP 2024.
  • UniMEEC: Towards Unified Multimodal Emotion Recognition and Emotion Cause.
    Guimin Hu, Zhihong Zhu, Daniel Hershcovich, Lijie Hu, Hasti Seifi and Jiayuan Xie. Findings of EMNLP 2024.
  • Bridging Cultures in the Kitchen: A Framework and Benchmark for Cross-Cultural Recipe Retrieval.
    Tianyi Hu, Maria Maistro and Daniel Hershcovich. EMNLP 2024.
  • Vision-Language models under Cultural and Inclusive Considerations.
    Antonia Karamolegkou, Phillip Rust, Ruixiang Cui, Yong Cao, Anders Søgaard and Daniel Hershcovich. Human-Centered Large Language Modeling Workshop 2024.
  • Can Abstract Meaning Representation Facilitate Fair Legal Judgement Predictions?.
    Supriti Vijay and Daniel Hershcovich. Workshop on Insights from Negative Results in NLP 2024.
  • Automated Sentence Generation for a Spaced Repetition Software.
    Benjamin Paddags, Daniel Hershcovich and Valkyrie Arline Savage. Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications 2024. Outstanding Paper Award.
  • CreoleVal: Multilingual Multitask Benchmarks for Creoles.
    Heather Lent, Kushal Tatariya, Raj Dabre, Yiyi Chen, Marcell Fekete, Esther Ploeger, Li Zhou, Hans Erik Heje, Diptesh Kanojia, Paul Belony, Marcel Bollmann, Loïc Grobol, Miryam de Lhoneux, Daniel Hershcovich, Michel DeGraff, Anders Søgaard and Johannes Bjerva. TACL, 2024.
  • Development and Evaluation of Pre-trained Language Models for Historical Danish and Norwegian Literary Texts.
    Ali Al-Laith, Alexander Conroy, Jens Bjerring-Hansen and Daniel Hershcovich. LREC-COLING 2024.
  • Geo-Encoder: A Chunk-Argument Bi-Encoder Framework for Chinese Geographic Re-Ranking.
    Yong Cao, Ruixue Ding, Boli Chen, Xianzhi Li, Min Chen, Daniel Hershcovich, Pengjun Xie and Fei Huang. EACL 2024.
  • Bridging Cultural Nuances in Dialogue Agents through Cultural Value Surveys.
    Yong Cao, Min Chen, Daniel Hershcovich. Findings of EACL 2024.
  • Cultural Adaptation of Recipes.
    Yong Cao, Yova Kementchedjhieva, Ruixiang Cui, Antonia Karamolegkou, Li Zhou, Megan Dare, Lucia Donatelli and Daniel Hershcovich. TACL, 2023.
  • Cultural Compass: Predicting Transfer Learning Success in Offensive Language Detection with Cultural Features.
    Li Zhou, Antonia Karamolegkou, Wenyu Chen and Daniel Hershcovich. Findings of EMNLP 2023.
  • Probing for Hyperbole in Pre-Trained Language Models.
    Nina Skovgaard Schneidermann, Daniel Hershcovich and Bolette Sandford Pedersen. ACL Student Research Workshop (SRW) 2023.
  • On Evaluating Multilingual Compositional Generalization with Translated Datasets.
    Zi Wang and Daniel Hershcovich. ACL 2023.
  • What does the Failure to Reason with "Respectively'' in Zero/Few-Shot Settings Tell Us about Language Models?.
    Ruixiang Cui, Seolhwa Lee, Daniel Hershcovich and Anders Søgaard. ACL 2023.
  • What's the Meaning of Superhuman Performance in Today's NLU?.
    Simone Tedeschi, Johan Bos, Thierry Declerck, Jan Hajic, Daniel Hershcovich, Eduard H. Hovy, Alexander Koller, Simon Krek, Steven Schockaert, Rico Sennrich, Ekaterina Shutova and Roberto Navigli. ACL 2023. Outstanding Paper Award.
  • Pay More Attention to Relation Exploration for Knowledge Base Question Answering.
    Yong Cao, Xianzhi Li, huiwen liu, Wen Dai, shuai chen, Bin Wang, Min Chen and Daniel Hershcovich. Findings of ACL 2023.
  • Sentiment Classification of Historical Danish and Norwegian Literary Texts.
    Ali Al-Laith, Kirstine Nielsen Degn, Alexander Conroy, Bolette S. Pedersen, Jens Bjerring-Hansen and Daniel Hershcovich. NoDaLiDa 2023.
  • Cross-Cultural Transfer Learning for Chinese Offensive Language Detection.
    Li Zhou, Laura Cabello, Yong Cao and Daniel Hershcovich. C3NLP 2023.
  • Assessing Cross-Cultural Alignment between ChatGPT and Human Societies: An Empirical Study.
    Yong Cao, Li Zhou, Seolhwa Lee, Laura Cabello, Min Chen and Daniel Hershcovich. C3NLP 2023.
  • A Two-Sided Discussion of Preregistration of NLP Research.
    Anders Søgaard, Daniel Hershcovich and Miryam de Lhoneux. EACL 2023.
  • A Dataset of Sustainable Diet Arguments on Twitter.
    Marcus Astrup Hansen and Daniel Hershcovich. Workshop on NLP for Positive Impact 2022.
  • Can AMR Assist Legal and Logical Reasoning?.
    Nikolaus Schrack, Ruixiang Cui, Hugo A. López and Daniel Hershcovich. Findings of EMNLP 2022 (long paper).
  • Towards Climate Awareness in NLP Research.
    Daniel Hershcovich, Nicolas Webersinke, Mathias Kraus, Julia Anna Bingler and Markus Leippold. EMNLP 2022 (long paper).
  • Compositional Generalization in Multilingual Semantic Parsing over Wikidata.
    Ruixiang Cui, Rahul Aralikatte, Heather Lent and Daniel Hershcovich. TACL, 2022.
  • Generalized Quantifiers as a Source of Error in Multilingual NLU Benchmarks.
    Ruixiang Cui, Daniel Hershcovich and Anders Søgaard. NAACL 2022 (long paper).
  • Evaluating Deep Taylor Decomposition for Reliability Assessment in the Wild.
    Stephanie Brandl, Daniel Hershcovich and Anders Søgaard. ICWSM 2022.
  • Challenges and Strategies in Cross-Cultural NLP.
    Daniel Hershcovich, Stella Frank, Heather Lent, Miryam de Lhoneux, Mostafa Abdou, Stephanie Brandl, Emanuele Bugliarello, Laura Cabello Piqueras, Ilias Chalkidis, Ruixiang Cui, Constanza Fierro, Katerina Margatina, Phillip Rust and Anders Søgaard. ACL 2022 (long paper).
  • Scaling Creative Inspiration with Fine-Grained Functional Facets of Product Ideas.
    Tom Hope, Ronen Tamari, Hyeonsu Kang, Daniel Hershcovich, Joel Chan, Aniket Kittur and Dafna Shahaf. CHI 2022.
  • A Multilingual Benchmark for Probing Negation-Awareness with Minimal Pairs.
    Mareike Hartmann, Miryam de Lhoneux, Daniel Hershcovich, Yova Kementchedjhieva, Lukas Nielsen, Chen Qiu and Anders Søgaard.
    CoNLL 2021.
  • Can Language Models Encode Perceptual Structure Without Grounding? A Case Study in Color.
    Mostafa Abdou, Artur Kulmizev, Daniel Hershcovich, Stella Frank, Ellie Pavlick and Anders Søgaard.
    CoNLL 2021.
  • Great Service! Fine-grained Parsing of Implicit Arguments.
    Ruixiang Cui and Daniel Hershcovich.
    IWPT 2021.
  • Lexical Semantic Recognition.
    Nelson F. Liu, Daniel Hershcovich, Michael Kranzlein, Nathan Schneider.
    MWE 2021.
  • It’s the Meaning That Counts: The State of the Art in NLP and Semantics.
    Daniel Hershcovich and Lucia Donatelli.
    KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, 2021.
  • How far can we get with one GPU in 100 hours? CoAStaL at MultiIndicMT Shared Task.
    Rahul Aralikatte, Héctor Ricardo Murrieta Bello, Daniel Hershcovich, Marcel Bollmann, Anders Søgaard.
    MultiIndicMT Shared Task 2021.
  • Moses and the Character-Based Random Babbling Baseline: CoAStaL at AmericasNLP 2021 Shared Task.
    Marcel Bollmann, Rahul Aralikatte, Héctor Murrieta Bello, Daniel Hershcovich, Miryam de Lhoneux, Anders Søgaard.
    AmericasNLP Shared Task 2021.
  • An autonomous debating system.
    Noam Slonim, Yonatan Bilu, Carlos Alzate, Roy Bar-Haim, Ben Bogin, Francesca Bonin, Leshem Choshen, Edo Cohen-Karlik, Lena Dankin, Lilach Edelstein, Liat Ein-Dor, Roni Friedman-Melamed, Assaf Gavron, Ariel Gera, Martin Gleize, Shai Gretz, Dan Gutfreund, Alon Halfon, Daniel Hershcovich, Ron Hoory, Yufang Hou, Shay Hummel, Michal Jacovi, Charles Jochim, Yoav Kantor, Yoav Katz, David Konopnicki, Zvi Kons, Lili Kotlerman, Dalia Krieger, Dan Lahav, Tamar Lavee, Ran Levy, Naftali Liberman, Yosi Mass, Amir Menczel, Shachar Mirkin, Guy Moshkowich, Shila Ofek-Koifman, Matan Orbach, Ella Rabinovich, Ruty Rinott, Slava Shechtman, Dafna Sheinwald, Eyal Shnarch, Ilya Shnayderman, Aya Soffer, Artem Spector, Benjamin Sznajder, Assaf Toledo, Orith Toledo-Ronen, Elad Venezian and Ranit Aharonov.
    Nature, 2021.
  • Joint Semantic Analysis with Document-Level Cross-Task Coherence Rewards.
    Rahul Aralikatte, Mostafa Abdou, Heather Lent, Daniel Hershcovich and Anders Søgaard.
    AAAI 2021 (long paper).
  • Refining Implicit Argument Annotation For UCCA.
    Ruixiang Cui and Daniel Hershcovich.
    DMR 2020.
  • Comparison by Conversion: Reverse-Engineering UCCA from Syntax and Lexical Semantics.
    Daniel Hershcovich, Nathan Schneider, Dotan Dvir, Jakob Prange, Miryam de Lhoneux and Omri Abend.
    COLING 2020.
  • MRP 2020: The Second Shared Task on Cross-Framework and Cross-Lingual Meaning Representation Parsing.
    Stephan Oepen, Omri Abend, Lasha Abzianidze, Johan Bos, Jan Hajic, Daniel Hershcovich, Bin Li, Tim O'Gorman, Nianwen Xue and Daniel Zeman.
    CoNLL 2020 shared task.
  • HUJI-KU at MRP 2020: Two Transition-based Neural Parsers.
    Ofir Arviv, Ruixiang Cui and Daniel Hershcovich.
    CoNLL 2020 shared task.
  • Køpsala: Transition-Based Graph Parsing via Efficient Training and Effective Encoding.
    Daniel Hershcovich, Miryam de Lhoneux, Artur Kulmizev, Elham Pejhan and Joakim Nivre.
    IWPT 2020 shared task.
  • MRP 2019: Cross-Framework Meaning Representation Parsing.
    Stephan Oepen, Omri Abend, Jan Hajič, Daniel Hershcovich, Marco Kuhlmann, Tim O'Gorman, Nianwen Xue, Jayeol Chun, Milan Straka and Zdeňka Urešová.
    CoNLL 2019 shared task.
  • TUPA at MRP 2019: A Multi-Task Baseline System.
    Daniel Hershcovich and Ofir Arviv.
    CoNLL 2019 shared task.
  • Rewarding Coreference Resolvers for Being Consistent with World Knowledge.
    Rahul Aralikatte, Heather Lent, Ana Valeria Gonzalez, Daniel Hershcovich, Chen Qiu, Anders Sandholm, Michael Ringgaard and Anders Søgaard.
    EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019 (short paper).
  • The Language of Legal and Illegal Activity on the Darknet.
    Leshem Choshen*, Dan Eldad*, Daniel Hershcovich*, Elior Sulem* and Omri Abend.
    ACL 2019 (long paper).
  • Argument Invention from First Principles.
    Yonatan Bilu, Ariel Gera, Daniel Hershcovich, Benjamin Sznajder, Dan Lahav, Guy Moshkowich, Anael Malet, Assaf Gavron and Noam Slonim.
    ACL 2019 (long paper).
  • SemEval 2019 Task 1: Cross-lingual Semantic Parsing with UCCA.
    Daniel Hershcovich, Zohar Aizenbud, Leshem Choshen, Elior Sulem, Ari Rappoport and Omri Abend.
    SemEval 2019 shared task.
  • Syntactic Interchangeability in Word Embedding Models.
    Daniel Hershcovich, Assaf Toledo, Alon Halfon and Noam Slonim.
    RepEval 2019.
  • Content Differences in Syntactic and Semantic Representations.
    Daniel Hershcovich, Omri Abend and Ari Rappoport.
    NAACL 2019 (long paper).
  • Universal Dependency Parsing with a General Transition-Based DAG Parser.
    Daniel Hershcovich, Omri Abend and Ari Rappoport.
    CoNLL 2018 UD Shared Task.
  • Multitask Parsing Across Semantic Representations.
    Daniel Hershcovich, Omri Abend and Ari Rappoport.
    ACL 2018 (long paper).
  • A Transition-Based Directed Acyclic Graph Parser for UCCA.
    Daniel Hershcovich, Omri Abend and Ari Rappoport.
    ACL 2017 (long paper). Outstanding Paper Award.
  • Automatic Claim Negation: Why, How and When.
    Yonatan Bilu, Daniel Hershcovich, Noam Slonim.
    NAACL HLT 2015 (long paper).
  • Context Dependent Claim Detection.
    Ran Levy, Yonatan Bilu, Daniel Hershcovich, Ehud Aharoni and Noam Slonim.
    COLING 2014 (long paper).
  • Claims on Demand–an Initial Demonstration of a System for Automatic Detection and Polarity Identification of Context Dependent Claims in Massive Corpora.
    Ehud Aharoni, Carlos Alzate, Roy Bar-Haim, Yonatan Bilu, Lena Dankin, Iris Eiron, Daniel Hershcovich, Shay Hummel.
    COLING 2014 (system demonstration).
  • A Benchmark Dataset for Automatic Detection of Claims and Evidence in the Context of Controversial Topics.
    Ehud Aharoni, Anatoly Polnarov, Tamar Lavee, Daniel Hershcovich, Ran Levy, Ruty Rinott, Dan Gutfreund, Noam Slonim.
    Workshop on Argumentation Mining at ACL 2014.
  • Verification of Transactional Memory in POWER8.
    Alon Adir, Dave Goodman, Daniel Hershcovich, Oz Hershkovitz, Bryan Hickerson, Karen Holtz, Wisam Kadry, Anatoly Koyfman, John Ludden, Charles Meissner, Amir Nahir, Randall R Pratt, Mike Schiffli, Brett St Onge, Brian Thompto, Elena Tsanko, Avi Ziv.
    DAC 2014.
  • Preprints

  • Exploring Visual Culture Awareness in GPT-4V: A Comprehensive Probing.
    Yong Cao, Wenyan Li, Jiaang Li, Yifei Yuan and Daniel Hershcovich.
  • Revisiting Graph Meaning Representations through Decoupling Contextual Representation Learning and Structural Information Propagation.
    Li Zhou, Wenyu Chen, Dingyi Zeng, Hong Qu and Daniel Hershcovich.
  • Does injecting linguistic structure into language models lead to better alignment with brain recordings?.
    Mostafa Abdou, Ana Valeria Gonzalez, Mariya Toneva, Daniel Hershcovich and Anders Søgaard.
  • Dissertations

  • Universal Semantic Parsing with Neural Networks.
    Daniel Hershcovich.
    PhD dissertation, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2019.
  • Tutorials

  • Cross-lingual Semantic Representation for NLP with UCCA.
    Omri Abend, Dotan Dvir, Daniel Hershcovich, Jakob Prange and Nathan Schneider.
    COLING 2020 tutorial.

  • Reversing the Alignment Paradigm: LLMs Shaping Human Cultural Norms, Behaviors, and Attitudes
    Human-Centered Large Language Modeling Workshop (08/2024).
  • Cultural Understanding and Adaptation with AI
    Linguistics and English Language Seminar, University of Manchester (02/2024).
  • Cultural Awareness and Adaptation with AI
    QualiTech Research Seminar, IBM Research Haifa (02/2024).
  • Assessing Knowledge of Cultural Values in ChatGPT​
    Kulturministeriets Tech-Kontor, Ministry of Culture, Denmark (09/2023).
  • Recipe Adaptation with Language Models
    Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen (06/2023).
  • AI 101 – on what ChatGPT is(n’t). Large Language Models and their Potential and Limitations for Language Learning
    Forum on AI in foreign language programmes, University of Copenhagen (05/2023).
  • Cultural Adaptation with and of Language Models
    Invited talk at the EACL 2023 workshop Cross-Cultural Considerations in NLP (05/2023).
  • Natural Language Processing for Sustainable Diets
    Research Seminar at the Center for Applied Ecological Thinking (CApE). University of Copenhagen (11/2022)
  • Argument Mining for Green Nutrition
    SODAS-Climate meeting, University of Copenhagen (05/2022)
  • Challenges and Strategies in Cross-Cultural NLP
    LIIR Journal Club, KU Leuven (04/2022)
  • Cultural and Environmental Considerations in Natural Language Processing
    Seminar at University of Haifa, Department of Information Systems (03/2022)
  • Challenges and Strategies in Cross-Cultural NLP
    NLP Workshop, IT University of Copenhagen (03/2022)
  • Meaning Representation and Parsing in Natural Language Processing
    Seminar at the Department of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen (05/2021)
  • Meaning Representation Parsing
    DIKU Bits, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (02/2020)
  • Universal Meaning Representation Parsing
    Seminar in Computational Linguistics, Department of Linguistics and Philology, Uppsala University (11/2019)
  • Universal Semantic Parsing with Neural Networks
    Georgetown University (06/2019)
  • A Transition-Based Directed Acyclic Graph Parser for Universal Conceptual Cognitive Annotation
    Tel Aviv University, NLP Seminar (01/2018)
  • A Transition-Based Directed Acyclic Graph Parser for Universal Conceptual Cognitive Annotation
    University of Washington, The Paul G. Allen Center for Computer Science & Engineering (07/2017)
  • A Transition-Based Directed Acyclic Graph Parser for Universal Conceptual Cognitive Annotation
    Technion, Computational Data Science Seminar (06/2017)
  • Broad-Coverage Transition-Based UCCA Parsing
    Hebrew University, Computer Science Learning Club (11/2016)
  • Broad-Coverage Semantic Parsing: A Transition-Based Approach
    The Israeli Seminar on Computational Linguistics, ISCOL 2016 (05/2016)

University of Copenhagen

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  • I have been living in Denmark with my wonderful family since 2019.
  • I have been vegan for moral reasons since I was 15.
  • I practice Kendo (Japanese fencing). I was even at the World Championships in Japan (2015) and Korea (2018).

Daniel Hershcovich
Department of Computer Science
University of Copenhagen
Lyngbyvej 2
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark
d... @di.ku.dk

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