09:00-09:05: Opening Words
09:05-10:25: Morning Session (Session Chair: Michael Elhadad)
- Compositional Semantic Parsing of Instructions in Unseen Domains
Ofer Givoli and Roi
- Neural Semantic Parsing over Multiple Knowledge-bases
Jonathan Herzig and Jonathan Berant
- A Consolidated Open Knowledge Representation for Multiple Texts
Rachel Wities, Vered
Shwartz, Gabriel Stanovsky, Meni Adler, Ori Shapira, Shyam Upadhyay, Dan Roth, Eugenio Martinez
Camara, Iryna Gurevych and Ido Dagan
- Deep Learning for Preprocessing Historical Hebrew Texts: Error Correction, Vocalization and
Abbreviation Expansion
Avi Shmidman, Shaltiel Shmidman, Moshe Koppel and Yoav Goldberg
10:25-11:00: Coffee Break
More Than Words: Psycholinguistic and Computational Investigations of the Building Blocks of Language
Why are children better language learners than adults despite being
worse at a range of other cognitive tasks? Here, I explore the role of
multiword sequences in explaining L1–L2 differences in learning and
language use more generally. Words are often seen as the basic
building blocks of language learning and processing (e.g., Pinker,
1991), a perception that is reflected in the focus on words as units
of processing in both the psycholinguistic and computational
literature. However, there is growing theoretical interest in and
empirical evidence for the role of multiword units in language. I draw
on developmental, psycholinguistic and computational findings to argue
that multiword sequences, like words, are integral building blocks for
language and play a particularly important role in first language
learning. These findings show that children use multiword units in
learning and that adult native speakers still rely on them. In
contrast, adult L2 learners make less use of such units in learning, a
pattern that can explain some of the difference between child and
adult language learning. I discuss implications for computational
models of language learning and NLP more generally.
Short bio:
Inbal Arnon is an associate professor in the Psychology Department at Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Her main interests are first language
acquisition, learning theory, psycholinguistics, and the differences between first and second language
learning. She has a BA in linguistics from Tel-Aviv university (Summa cum Laude), an MSc in
psycholinguistics from the University of Edinburgh (with distinction), and a PhD in Linguistics from
Stanford University. Her research lies at the intersection of Linguistics, Psychology, and Cognitive
Science and uses a variety of experimental methods to explore how language is learned and how learning
changes as a function of prior knowledge and experience.
12:00-14:00: Poster Session and Light Lunch (see list of posters)
14:00-14:40: An Open Discussion on the Future of the
Mila Center:
Alon Itai (chair), Shuly Wintner
14:40-16:00: Afternoon Session (Session Chair: Yoav Goldberg)
- Too Many Corrections: Semantic Reference-less Evaluation for Grammatical Error Correction
Choshen and Omri Abend
- Integrating Deep Linguistic Features in Factuality Prediction over Unified Datasets
Stanovsky, Judith Eckle-Kohler, Yevgeniy Puzikov, Ido Dagan and Iryna Gurevych
- ConStance: Modeling Annotation Contexts to Improve Stance Classification
Kenneth Josseph,
Lisa Friedland, William Hobbs, David Lazer and Oren Tsur
- Found in Translation: Reconstructing Phylogenetic Language Trees from Translations
Rabinovich, Noam Ordan and Shuly Wintner
16:00-16:30: Coffee Break
16:30-17:30: Evening Session (Session Chair: Jonathan Berant)
- Controlling Linguistic Style Aspects in Neural Language Generation
Jessica Ficler and Yoav
- Unsupervised Query-Focused Multi-Document Summarization
Guy Feigenblat, Haggai Roitman,
Odellia Boni and David Konopnicki
- Query Focused Abstractive Summarization: Adapting Sequence-to-Sequence Models with Query
Tal Baumel, Matan Eyal and Michael Elhadad
Poster Presentations:
- Towards String-to-Tree Neural Machine Translation
Roee Aharoni and Yoav Goldberg
- A Transition-Based Directed Acyclic Graph Parser for Universal Conceptual Cognitive
Daniel Hershcovich, Omri Abend and Ari Rappoport
- Interactive Abstractive Summarization for Event News Tweets
Ori Shapira, Hadar Ronen,
Adler Meni, Yael Amsterdamer, Judit Bar-Ilan and Ido Dagan
- Semantic Helper for Text Compose
Boris Pevzner
- Acquiring Predicate Paraphrases from News Tweets
Vered Shwartz, Gabriel Stanovsky and Ido
- Learning Agreement with Deep Neural Networks
Jean-Philippe Bernardy and Shalom Lappin
- Mutual Convergence of Mutlimodal Linguistic Properties in Spoken Dialogue Systems
Raveh, Ingmar Steiner, Iona Gessinger and Bernd Möbius
- Unsupervised Event Detection in Twitter
Yuval Shachaf, Gennadi Lembersky and Roy Klein
- Evaluating Semantic Parsing against a Simple Web-based Question Answering Model
Talmor, Mor Geva and Jonathan Berant
- Semantic Structure-Based Evaluation Metrics for Sentence Simplification
Elior Sulem, Omri
Abend and Ari Rappoport
- Recognizing Mentions of Adverse Drug Reaction in Social Media Using Knowledge-Infused Recurrent
Gabriel Stanovsky, Daniel Gruhl and Pablo Mendes
- Automatic Detection of Translation Direction
Ilia Sominsky and Shuly Wintner
- Thomson Reuters Self-Service Classification
Ehud Azikri and Hila Zarosim
- Interactive Semantic Parsing on Semi-Structured Tables
Tomer Wolfson
- Floating Agenda Parser
Dor Muhlgay and Jonathan Berant
- Reinforcing Abstractive Text Summarization with Reading-Comprehension
Matan Eyal, Tal
Baumel and Michael Elhadad
- Improving Claim Stance Classification with Lexical Knowledge Expansion and Context
Roy Bar-Haim, Lilach Edelstein, Charles Jochim and Noam Slonim
- Multi-Label Classification on Patient Notes
Tal Baumel, Jumana Nassour-Kassis, Noemie
Elhadad and Michael Elhadad
- Crafting a Lexicon of Referential Expressions for NLG Applications
Ariel Gutman,
Alexandros Andre Chaaraoui and Pascal Fleury
- Where's My Head? Task Definition, Dataset and Initial Results for Fused Head Recovery
Elazar and Yoav Goldberg
- Contextualization and Regularization of Word Embeddings for Machine Comprehension
Salant and Jonathan Berant
- Semantically Motivated Hebrew Verb-Noun Multi-Word Expressions Identification
Liebeskind and Yaakov Hacohen-Kerner
- Detection of Native Language Based on Micro Messages
Yohay Nahari, Maayan Matook and Oren Tsur
- Causal Factors of Language Change Under Control - the Case of Frequency Bias in Laws of Semantic
Haim Dubossarsky, Eitan Grossman and Daphna Weinshall
- Rare Word Embeddings with Sub-word Similarity Based Search: Better Representations without More
Knowledge, Data, or Training
Clayton Greenberg, Mittul Singh, Youssef Oualil, and Dietrich
Time and Location
Monday, September 25, 2017
The Brindell and Milton Gottlieb Auditorium (A300),
The Rothberg Family buildings,
Rachel and Selim Benin School of Computer Science and Engineering,
Edmond J. Safra Campus, Jerusalem
Campus map »
Program Committee
Omri Abend, HUJI
Jonathan Berant, TAU
Organization Committee
Omri Abend, HUJI
Daniel Hershcovich, HUJI
Elior Sulem, HUJI
Leshem Choshen, HUJI
We also acknowledge the support of the Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences.
Important dates
Submission deadline: August 17
Notification: August 25
ISCOL: September 25